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featured winter recipes
Baked Gingerbread Donuts
Well, it’s that time of the year again. I’m officially pumpkin-ed and apple-ed out! With Thanksgiving in a few weeks and December just around the corner (already?!), I’m switching gears towards good tidings of cheer with these delicious gingerbread donuts!
In this recipe, molasses paired with the warming spices ginger, cinnamon, and clove make these cakey donuts shine bright. They’re a perfect share for holiday parties, a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie marathon, or to leave out for Santa. Dusted with snowy powdered sugar, they’re a delicious and festive bite of holiday cheer!
PS If you don’t have a donut pan, this batter can easily be made into a loaf of gingerbread with just a tweak to the cooking temperature.