Watermelon Cucumber Mint Slushie
What does this food offer in terms of nutrients and physical nourishment?
Carbohydrates (watermelon, cucumber)
Fiber (watermelon, cucumber)
Other (watermelon is a good source of electrolytes, both cucumber and watermelon have a high water content)
What does this food offer in terms of mental satisfaction through flavor, texture, and experience?
With August just around the corner (next week already?!) and temperatures reaching an unheard of 100 degrees in Portland, I thought I’d break out my favorite replenishing summer beverage.
Staying hydrated in the summer is hard, especially if you’re surrounded by soda or fruity cocktails during a fun afternoon at the beach or at a neighborhood barbecue. Consider bringing this recipe into the mix — a functional mocktail that satisfies that sweet iced drink craving while providing beneficial electrolytes and water.
I used to make this drink in college after particularly sweaty workouts and it always hit the spot — both refreshing and replenishing! The four ingredient hydrating treat is made from watermelon cucumber — both have among the highest water content of all fruits and vegetables at around 90 and 95%, respectively. Additionally, both are packed with potassium, an important electrolyte frequently lost during sweating. If you’ve had an especially tough workout or spent the day sweating in the sun, I’d also recommend adding a pinch of salt to replenish your sodium as well.
Allergens: No major allergens
Servings: 2
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes
1 heaping cup of frozen watermelon cubes
Tip: I usually buy the tubs of pre-cut watermelon and just pop that in the freezer as is!
1/2 cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped
Note: I like to add a few pieces of skin in for a beauty boost because cucumber skin contains silica, a trace mineral that is especially great for our skin.
4-5 fresh mint leaves
1 cup ice
Pinch of salt (especially good after a particularly sweaty day)
Add all ingredients to a blender.
Blend on high for a minute or so until the mixture becomes slushy. Do not over blend or it will just become cold juice (also delicious!).
Enjoy with a friend or workout partner :)